I am opposed to the nuking of unborn, gay whales.
I support initiatives to outlaw stealing candy from babies.
I think burning your neighbor's house to the ground is wrong.
I think poisoning kittens is mean.
I am opposed to tattooing "LOSER" on people's fore heads against their will.
I am against mandatory euthanasia of menopausal women.
I support minorities' right to breathe.
I believe all people should have the right to call rainbows "pretty."
I think cancer is bad.
I think only a vile group of people wouldn’t support a law to protect LGBT persons from housing and job discrimination and that it is absolutely not newsworthy to state your support of basic human decency (unless of course you’re pulling a PR stunt in a pathetic attempt to draw attention away from all the other shitty, anti-gay things you do).
Just sayin’.